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Welcome to the international Goggomobil- Forum www.goggomobil.net, especially for all Goggo-friends from "overseas": Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, South Africa,Japan, Argentina, Costa Rica or wherever you may be. This is the place to discuss all Goggomobil related matters.
Helft mit, dass dies ein -auch fuer Aussenstehende- interessantes und informatives, sachbezogenes Forum bleibt. Fuer private Plaudereien, Kochrezepte, Geburtstagsgedichte und Aehnliches nutzt bitte Eure privaten Kommunikationskanaele.
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USA Goggo help

#1 von nschoeps ( gelöscht ) , 07.02.2018 06:45

Guten Tag!

Ich Spreche kein Deutsch. Entschuldigung!

I have recently acquired a 1964 Limo. It's in fair condition, but will need tie rods (Spurstangenkopf) which are a very difficult to find M14x1.0 thread. Other steering components are also worn, and I'm sure I'll find many other small problems along the way. Can anyone direct me to a good source for these?

Also, I am not aware of a goggo group in the USA - is there an active forum?

Kind Regards,
Nick Schoeps

Portland, OR USA


RE: USA Goggo help

#2 von Michael1342 , 07.02.2018 08:03

Hi Nick,
this is our favored dealer:

and there are two other good sources:

Where do you live?
Could you upload a Photo from your Goggo?


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Registriert am: 10.01.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.02.2018 | Top

RE: USA Goggo help

#3 von Eber , 07.02.2018 08:26

Hello to Portland,

Congratulations Nick, you ´ll have much fun with your Goggomobil! There are many helpfull people all over the world for your little problems.
The owner of this forum ist Uwe Staufenberg, Deliver of best spare parts since over 30 years.
Ask him for adresses in the USA for other Enthusiasts and also look at Facebook for lots of Goggofriends all over the world.

Kind Regards Eber

Goggo Enthusiast since 1980

...bin ich ölig - bin ich fröhlich....

Beiträge: 443
Registriert am: 01.01.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.02.2018 | Top

RE: USA Goggo help

#4 von Arno SA , 10.02.2018 22:17

Hi Nick,
why on earth should you apologize for not speaking German?? I'm not apologizing for not having studied in Oxford or Harvard! :-) !!
Anyway, you hit the right key when you entered the GOGGOFORUM with your question. Anyone with anything Goggo-related is being helped here. Uwe Staufenberg (already mentioned elsewhere) who owns this website is also a well established Goggomobil parts dealer with many contacts in USA and all over the world. On his website goggomobil.com you find a comprehensive spare parts list which includes many practical hints with regards to maintenance and repairs to Goggo's as we affectionately call our cars. You will also find Uwe's email address there (we avoid mentioning email addresses in the forum in order to keep spammers out).
Confidently put your questions forward in English, there are plenty of people here who have some knowledge of the English language (or American for that matter), just ignore the German accent in our responses :-) !
Best regards
Arno in South Africa

Arno SA  
Arno SA
Beiträge: 409
Registriert am: 02.01.2014


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